Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hey check out a great blog

This girl, she knows how to blog! I just found this yesterday when I bought her new kit "Note to self" (see below) and she has some amazing stuff on there with her creations and stories and...the hottest pieces of cheese..oh yummy check her out.
Sharia Braxton

Weekends, payday and just plain crap

Hi! How much do I look forward to the week-end? A whole hell of a lot I do. And it was payday..or as I say payout day..when it all goes back out.But heck it does feel good to have it, if only for a little bit! I swear it is getting harder and harder every day to make it. Gotta get my taxes done, so that I can try to get out of this awful hole. I am so depressed about this all now..but enough of Debbie downer and on with the blog. I have been feeling a little mojo this week and doing some scrapping. I finished a lo with Isabel's new kit "Always" and a lo with Sharia Braxton's new kit
"Note to self" and wow were these fun kits to work with!

It feel good to be creative and makes me forget some of the shit that goes on around me. Today I woke up to a very cold house..and damn-it my furnace is clicking on. THere is no way in hell I am going to call a repair man today and have the cost of a sunday repair bill. Got the space heater out and am cooking a turkey to keep the house warm. Tonight it won't be bad, since gee I am lucky to have 6 fur babies sleeping with me!
Peace out all and have a great week

Sunday, February 15, 2009

This now is Amazing!

Look at Isabel Mendez (Crisdam Designs) new Collection "Always"! Can you say Yummy? This Rocks so much and I can't wait to play with it! It is available at or
I love this collection and my next post should have something to show that I made with it!
Peace out

A winter week

I missed about a week here, but not much too exciting going on. We got hit with snow on Friday and it was just lovely. The good thing was we got to leave work early and on a Friday that is a perk!
Tiff got the girls bundled up and took them out for their first "snow adventure" Friday. They liked the sled ride but the adventure ended when their faces were getting pretty pink and Hailey got upset since there was snow on her gloves! LOL Damn those girls are so darn cute. Here is my version of the little Snow Chics.
I used Bella Gypsy Designs "Snow BIrds" (hmm got the title idea) and a little bit of Angie Kovas Snow Girly for this one.

As yesterday was Valentines Day I did do a lo in honor of those romantic things ya know..the things that I have been lacking Valentine for me this year..but David and I did go out for Pizza...does that count? I started this layout for what would have been my parents 62nd wedding anniversary and just got to emotional to do it, so I used pictures from Tiff and Brian's wedding. Worked good for me.
I used Sherri Tierney's kit, Art from the Heart" at Had a lot fun with this one too.

Peace out

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Project 365

I had made some more accomplihsment this weekend. no..not housework...but I did my first 2 weeks pages for the 365 Project! I think I am really going to get into doing this. Going to try to do different themes for each week unless I have a event or something and I am making very very simple. Simple is good cuz simple gets done quick.
The weather has been totally glorioius the last two days. We broke records of 60+ and I even had my windows open for awhile to get the winter stench out of the house! LOL
The cats were in heaven sleeping in the windows and the the dogs ran around the yard like it was a race track. It was good and good for the mood too. I am going to take in every minute of it since they are calling for an artic front coming in with SNOW next week. Damn it anyhow! I guess mother nature is just teasing us a little, but that is ok with me. Makes me have some hope that spring will be here someday! gonna share my first two weeks with you and don't mind some of the silly pictures..that is my life!
Peace out

Friday, February 6, 2009

Its A wonderful Friday~!

It is Friday and the best part of that is that I am sitting right here in front of my computer at home! How cool is that. I could so go for working a 32 hour week if I didn't live paycheck to paycheck. {sigh} I guess I should be careful what I wish for..we were so slow today at work that the boss drew names to see who could have the day off and I won!!! Cool huh? Just hope this isn't a sign of what could be coming though. We have been pretty slow and that is pretty scary with the state of the country right now. Geesh you would think that nursing would have job security huh? Well not going to let worrying about that ruin this day. We are to have record breaking warm temps today (next week Arctic front and snow) and I plan on getting some other things that have been procrastinating on done. Got to get my estimate on my car so I can try to figure out how to come up with the $$ to get it fixed. Damn Deer any how. It should be warm enough that I can spray paint a couple of flea market bird cages that I got last year and maybe even take a nap?? will try to get some kind of cleaning in there too.
Sometimes doesn't your cre8tive juices sometimes just go wild. I did a lo last night with this very cute Mini Kit "Monsters" at It is for their inspiration challenge and is a freebie now. Join the fun. It is awesome.
Gotta get rolling and get the most of this day!
Peace out
Look at Chaz hangin out at the Childrens Museum. Damn I love this kid.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Only Tuesday

Give me some sun and a trip to Jamaica. Still I am on my desperate desire to go to Jamaica. I want Island Time, sun, beach and good looking men. {sigh}
I am already at work, braving the single digit numbers this morning and getting more out of tune with myself. Damn does winter suck or what. I did bring my camera today and hopefully I can get some shot for the 365 challenge. Maybe that will inspire me!
Peace OUt

Monday, February 2, 2009

I need Change

It is Monday and it is blah..I am getting sick of winter is a very quick way. Today it was actually 30+ and felt almost tropical. I have been missing taking my walks during lunch at work so today I started hoofing it around and realized after a few minutes, it was ok walking south..but when I headed back that damn wind was cold. but all in all it felt good. I have this winter routine, come home feed the dogs, get into my flannels ( yes flannels..I am old) and either sit in front of tube or the computer til it is time to go to bed. now this is lazy, but I have no motivation when it is cold out and I do like being "cozy". But I am feeling the need for some "change" in my life. Wish I could go to Jamaica..that would be a dream come true for me. oh shit, if wishes were fishes..maybe I will come up with some crazy idea to enhance my life. Shit I was thinking about a Valentine for a day?? Hmmm..that might be fun. now I am thinking too much.
I did a lo with Kami's new Happiness Kit which is available at and it is my Hero David. Love the blues with his blue yes.
Peace out

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Now cleaning

I think I broke a personal record today. I managed to do 4 layouts and...cleaned the bathroom, do two loads of laundry, made a trip to Hobby Lobby and mopped the kitchen floor!
Peace out Peggy

still scrapping....and cleaning

ok so I didn't finish cleaning, but I did finish the bathroom! I Just HAD TO try Jopke's kit So Happy. I don't think I did her awesome kit justice, but I tried and have another lo done!
Peace out

Happy weekend, stress and scrapping!

I will see just how happy mine will be. My x is in town and of course that equals stress...I am still procrastinating on the house..I started the bathroom today and ended up here on the computer working with this awesome new kit by Kami (Kreations by Kami) I am in love with these colors! I love how her kits just go together for me for layouts. David and Meg, will it is sufferage to have their pictures taken anymore. I was lucky to even get this shot. Aren't they cute? I might have to procrastinate some more! ok..back to toiling away with house work.
Peace out

Friday, January 30, 2009


Good Morning and Happy Friday!! Friday has to be the best day of the week. I love for Fridays. Perferably 5pm Friday,,but any of it will do. I have been able to get a little movitvated with work lately and hopefully it wiill stay. I think every morning that I am lucky to have a job and try to stay positive. Things are getting a little wierd there too. We are slow..very slow..always try to look busy is my line now. quite a few "key" people have left and that makes me wonder..hmmm should I be looking for a different job?? The thought of it makes me sick. I am too old for that shit..I don't want to start over. Anyway, got to roll, we have a meeting this morning...and I wonder what that is about too. Got another lo done with RandiOH kit "Matters of the Heart" and 1 with Isabel Mendez new kit Cotton Candy. Gotta love these rockin designers. Their stuff keeps my mojo flowing.
Peace out

Sunday, January 25, 2009

End of the weekend

Damn if the weekend is over and I am not ready to go to work. Gotta get up early to go to the Dentist too. It is snowing and I would just as soon stay tucked in bed, but gotta pay the bills. I am still feeling like scrapping and not much done on the cleaning front..I did wash windows, hung new mini-blinds and did mountains of laundry though. Gotta have clothes for work! I did a new lo with RandiOH new Kit Matters of the Heart. I LOVE that kit!! So warm and romantic. I am so into reds right now too.

1 Room Complete

And you are thinking..a whole day and one room done?? Well you have no idea what I had to do! There is something sad about an eclectic person who loves to collect. Hence my addiction to flea markets and old things. Very cluttered, but clean now. It has already made me feel better. I could have did more, but decided to do a little scrapping last night. That makes be feel better too.I changed my header too..sort of weird looking, but did it in a hurry..I loved that it has a picture of my handsome friend in Jamaica who I miss so much. Calling for more snow tonight and will be a fun trek to work tomorrow I assume. Gotta finish up the laundry from hell and get ready for another week at work.

Peace out

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Chaos around me

Hello it is Saturday and I woke up today and looked around my house. My new addiction to digi has left my house in utter disray and neglected. So sad, I have NEVER like to clean, although dont think I am a pig, I am not. But as far as deep down cleaning..ugghh it like torture to me. I have beeen in and out of my depression since Christmas which is clearly a sign to me that there is chaos around me. Let's start with the house! I have grounded myself from PHotoshop today and diggin in. It feels good and wow it looks good. Now Rome was built in a day, but I am on a good start and I even have recruited David. My dining room has been my scrap room for the last few years and oh my I don't know where to begin. I have SO MUCH stuff and haven't used any of it since i started Digi. Maybe a scrapbook garage sale in the spring? It will be hard to part with it though. Haven't decided yet where I am with that, but I will. Well my five minutes is up and back to work I go. Hopefully tonight I can do a page though. I will need a time out by then!
Peace out

Time to Hunker down

what an incredibly long stinkin week it was. Too much damn stress at work lately and too many crabby people and Drs. Usually it would be the patients that are crabby, but this week they were a welcome compared to the Doctors. January is such a long month for me. Nothing to look forward to but getting out in the morning when it is still dark to scrap my car windows, then go to work for 8 hours and then home again in the dark. I need sunshine. The theory about sunshine being good for depression, I can relate to that. They are calling for very cold temps this weekend with snow off and on. This might be one of thse weekends that we hunker down and stay home. Maybe watch movies, scrap and get some things done around here. Does sound boring but necessary. Not been feeling very creative this week with my pylonephritis, but the meds seem to be doing their work in someways. maybe I just need a down week? and maybe go do a little tanning?? I did lo tonight using Isabel Mendez new "Be Mine" kit and I loved loved working with it. It has great colors, glitter and awesome elements. I have been sort of stuck on the color red since Christmas, but I love it. It seems to give layouts just that extra punch they need sometimes, Although, I probably overdue the punch. Well heading to bed and we'll see what tomorrow brings..
Peace out

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thanks Tracy!

Tracy found my blinkies and told me how to put them up again!! I don't know why this has to be so confusing??? I am rolling now and just have to try to figure out how to make a header now..Hmm Tracy..where are u!?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hello President Obama!!!

This is the day I have been waiting for. I am still very sick and can't celebrate :( and right how I am too emotional anyway.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Mondays SUCK!

Trying to be the positive person I am...I rolled myself out of bed today after fighting with a stomach thing and cold over the weekend thinking it has to get better..and knowing that today for the first time in over two months, we would have a full staff at work...Got to work..two people gone..again. Crabby Docs and staff not real happy either. The day progressed into one difficult patient after another..when I finally had time to take a break to the little girls room, I had a painful surprise. It was a burning knife searing me you know where ( I know TMI) so I collected and tested and found I had a raging urinary tract infection. Then putting two and two together I realized that the side and backache I have is not part of the "flu" this weekend, but probably a pylonephritis...uggghh Got some meds and finished my morning.The afternoon brought more surprises. My first patient after lunch was vomiting constantly and no not in the emesis bag..but in the sink and floor..I was trying to help him and he threw up on my shoes... It was so busy, but finally it was almost time to go home. I was working this man and drawing some blood and such and when he left, he told me that I was "the best nurse" he had ever had. "Nobody can draw blood like you." and he said "have a great day and started to give me a hug...the next thing I know, his body was pressed against mine and he was "trying to stick his tongue down my throat.!!!!!!! C'om baby..we should chill sometime..I am having a Obama celebration party tomorrow and you are invited..and nobody else is invited! then he said..Have you ever partied with a black man?...Shit,,,,wtf is going on here. I pushed him away and scolded him, trying to remain calm. Ok I have to go I am driving home and about six blocks from home when "wham bang" something hits my drivers door, it is BIG, Brown and has horns..yep big ass Buck slammed me. I can't open my car door and there is big time damage. I have been driving that road everyday morning and night for 10 years and NEVER seen a deer before..but it was Monday, it was today and I have some kind of storm cloud hanging over me. This has got to pass and soon. I feel like shit and can't stop peeing, going to bed and feel sorry for myself.
Have a scrappy happy day tomorrow


Ok WTF..My blinkies are gone?? leave for a couple months and the thieves come in. I can't figure out how to put them in again either. I don't need to be pissed before I got to work,,I get enough of that there..Anyone help me?? Pretty Please??

Bad bad blogger!

Again I have been on lazy blogger. It got away with me during the holidays left behind in the midst of Christmas anticipation. more excuses, I failed again my blog. I want to personalize it and I hate the way it I didn't blog?? Just another excuse. Lets face it, since I started Digi, I haven't been doing much of anything else. I am totally addicted to the "dark side" of scrapping.
Although I have been absent here, I have had a lot of exciting things going on. I have added to Isabel Mendez awesome CT team. I am really looking forward to working for her and her awesome kits. She is so talented.... and it is another great way to feed my addiction. RandiOH has some awesome new kits lately and keeps me inspired..another feed to my addiction. Kami, Kreations by Kami is my other rockin digi boss and I LOVE her new stuff and her brushes are to die for. Check out my lastest lo using her Sentiment Stamps available at I guarentee you won't be disappointed. I am working on a Valentines day lo with Isabel's latest kit, Be Mine Hopefully I can have it up soon. I will soon have layouts for Randioh with her new and upcoming kit too. I will post more info on that later.
Thought...with all these Valentine maybe a problems..I have no Valentine this year. :( :) ..gonna have to get creative with these pictures! Idea..maybe I should find a "stand in" (hopefully with benefits ;) ) for my valentine lo! Did I just say that?? hey the idea sounds good to me..On the lookout starting today.
Lets face it I love my dogs..but just how many layouts can you do with pics of them? Their book is going to be larger than my kids books!
Ok off to get ready to work. Damn Mondays so suck in the biggest way. Maybe I can get my blog caught up and looking like a blog soon. Anyone wanna help? just a thought.
Have a blessed and scrappy day all
Happy Martin Luther King Day
