Monday, January 19, 2009

Mondays SUCK!

Trying to be the positive person I am...I rolled myself out of bed today after fighting with a stomach thing and cold over the weekend thinking it has to get better..and knowing that today for the first time in over two months, we would have a full staff at work...Got to work..two people gone..again. Crabby Docs and staff not real happy either. The day progressed into one difficult patient after another..when I finally had time to take a break to the little girls room, I had a painful surprise. It was a burning knife searing me you know where ( I know TMI) so I collected and tested and found I had a raging urinary tract infection. Then putting two and two together I realized that the side and backache I have is not part of the "flu" this weekend, but probably a pylonephritis...uggghh Got some meds and finished my morning.The afternoon brought more surprises. My first patient after lunch was vomiting constantly and no not in the emesis bag..but in the sink and floor..I was trying to help him and he threw up on my shoes... It was so busy, but finally it was almost time to go home. I was working this man and drawing some blood and such and when he left, he told me that I was "the best nurse" he had ever had. "Nobody can draw blood like you." and he said "have a great day and started to give me a hug...the next thing I know, his body was pressed against mine and he was "trying to stick his tongue down my throat.!!!!!!! C'om baby..we should chill sometime..I am having a Obama celebration party tomorrow and you are invited..and nobody else is invited! then he said..Have you ever partied with a black man?...Shit,,,,wtf is going on here. I pushed him away and scolded him, trying to remain calm. Ok I have to go I am driving home and about six blocks from home when "wham bang" something hits my drivers door, it is BIG, Brown and has horns..yep big ass Buck slammed me. I can't open my car door and there is big time damage. I have been driving that road everyday morning and night for 10 years and NEVER seen a deer before..but it was Monday, it was today and I have some kind of storm cloud hanging over me. This has got to pass and soon. I feel like shit and can't stop peeing, going to bed and feel sorry for myself.
Have a scrappy happy day tomorrow

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