Sunday, September 28, 2008

Get Your Calcium ladies

Hi everyone,
I finally have come to the sad conclusion that I will have to find a part-time job again. Just what the hell is with all these prices is painful to go the grocery store just so we can have food on the table. Do remember when tomato soup was 29 cents or if you watched the ads you could get it for 5 cans for a dollar? Sixty-six cents a can now, and that is at Wally World!! Ekkk..And cheese,, well I have to really need it for something, since it rediculously high priced..I guess my old bones will just have rot some more, cuz milk is crazy too. Glad I am taking calcium now. It is true ladies, menopause sucks and you had better start taking your calcium if you don't want to be walking around looking at the ground when you get older. I am sure it is hard to work on the pc or sb when you can't look up too. Seriously get your calcium now because believe me mother nature will rob it away from you faster than you can believe. ok so much for my health lecture for today.
I am going to try to finish my last two challenges for SE today and again procrastinate of shampooing the carpet..oh well it is so much more fun to SB.
Have a blessed and happy Day

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Flea Market Madness

Although I drop down dead tired, I am one happy little camper. Today was our annual trip to Woodbine Iowa for Applefest. It was bigger and better than ever this year and full of so many crafty things and lots and lots of "junk" I was in heaven. Although I didn't have a lot of $$$ to spend, I was very frugal and got some awesome things. My partner in crime was my friend Janis from work and believe it or not David went too! He did a great job all day too and had a great time. I was disappointed though my battery for my camera, which I charged all nite long...went dead after 20 pictures? WTH is with that? I don't get it. It has never did that before and I was pretty pissed out about it. All we got was pictures of the car show and that was it. I was planning on getting some great fall shots on the way home too. Oh well going to have to check into getting a backup battery. I suppose it is just old. I have been scrapping my A## off this week and really feeling creative. I think it might be the change of seasons..or the fact that I am just so damn broke I can't afford to do anything else. Anyway it feels good,,not being broke, but scrapping and more scrapping. Kami (Kreations by Kami at ACOT) has a new kit that is just diggin so much and finding just tons of uses for it. It is Falling for you and I LOVE IT!

Here are some pages I did with this kit.

I have doing some challenges at Elemental Scraps too to try to get some points for products. They are very cool and very friendly and an awesome inspirational gallery. And I love my online friends! Since I as broke as a church mouse..isn't that how saying goes?? Anyway, doing the challenges gives me the chance to get some new stuff while being productive. Now isn't that cool!
Here is another lo that I did with the Boxed In Template by Kreations by Kami. I love the simplicity of this and will used this over and over again.

Have a beautiful and blessed weekend all

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wathcing the changes

Hi everyone,
What gives your creative inspiration? Changing seasons fill me awe and I can't usually get enough it. (except Winter) Blah..not a winter person. The older you get, winter is a challenge. Fall once and you are done. When I was young I could tumble, now I roll and can't get up, then your body and it ages elements tells you that is not cool to fall down. The snow is pretty, that is if you home and looking out the window. But Fall...these are my days. Crisp cool mornings that make me want to call work and play hookie. Not to many changes around yet, But I am patiently waiting. I know when I see those gorgeous sunflowers sprout up that it wont be long.
This isinspiration to me right now."If" I could live one season all the time, it would be fall. Just some warm fuzzy thoughts about fall. Have a great day!
Peace on

Friday, September 19, 2008

What a minute...Drum Roll please

Hi! How could I have forgot about this? I am the disjoined blogger for sure. Yesterday I got an email that told me that one of my layouts was chosen to be shared in the Creative Team's September Spotlight Article at ACOT Now is this rockin cool or what? I am excited and so honored by this. ok, I have given myself enough praise, back to scrapping and have a great weekend all!

Opps Blogger boo boo

Ummm still learning this blogger stuff. I forgot to add the picture.
dang, I don'tknow how to put a picture in right..I need blogger 101.
I also completed another lo for a challenge at Elemental Scraps using on of Chrissy W awesome templates. It my "Brady Bunch" of furbabies.

I am Peggy and I am addicted

Ok so I admit it. I am addicted to digi scrapbooking. I was hesitant to even try, since I thought to myself that there was no way I would ever be able to do this. Well there is a way and I found that way and I am so diggin this. I have did more layouts in the last month than I have probably did in the last year. Momma is rockin here. Although, seriously though, everything else has gone to hell. My house has been sadly neglected, my flowers need attention and I am like a scrappin fool here. I don't remember ever being this enthused about anything at all. I even "tried" making my own little digi element for a lo I did last night. Dang I wanted a little doghouse for my page and decided to try it. It was fun..a little silly looking but that is ok. I still marked that off as an accomplishment. And holy crap it is FRIDAY!! I can feed my addiction all I want the next two days,although I think I might try to slip a little housework in there sometime too. But I don't know..we have groceries and clean maybe not! I get to play around with Kami's (Kreations by Kami at ACOT) awesome new paper line. Everyday Paper Pack..check it out, it has the coolest texture on it. YOu will love love it! I know I do.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hump day delight!

Hi everyone! Maybe some of you don't get as excited as I do on Hump day. Wednesday is when I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and know that Friday is around the corner and then my favorite. The WEEKEND! God Bless weekends! I feel a lot more creative on the weekends and have the time to be creative. WOrk has been torture since I started scrappin again. I need a vaca so I can scrap my A#(* off. I did manage to get some done this week. I finished a lo for Kreations by Kami with her new papers Everyday Paper available at . I have a hard time doing "simple", but I wanted to highlight this awesome new paper. My dad doing his little Jammin to the Reggae music in Jamaica.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Gotta Love Quiet time

It's quiet here, David and the dogs have long ago settled down for the night and its just me, my music (Fleetwood Mac tonight) and my puter. This is the time for me when my creative energy it at its hightest level it seems. Does it matter that it is 3 a.m and I have been up since 6 a.m? I just love the quiet of the evening. Tonight there is just light rain coming down and a cool breeze coming in which is working well with my continoius hot flashes tonight!! The chaos of life and work just seems to leave when I have this time. Tomorrow I will begin my series of "here comes fall" photos. Damn are they cool to scrap! it us supposed to rain again and the air should be crisp and fresh, just like I like. I will have to drag David out of the house, but we are going on a drive to hunt for photos. Gotta find a good sunflower field too. I was able to get one lo done tonight and almost have my header for this blog finished. Now the trick will be to get it on here. OH and I am excited that I finally figured out how to put my blinkie on here for Kreations by Kami!! Whoo hoo...1 point for the techno dummy here! Here is the lo I did with the Color Burst Collection by Kreations for Kami

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sleeping with Ice cubes?!!!

Yes I can be a klutz and tonight I spilled a pot of boiling water...on my fingers. Let me tell you SUCKS!! My hot pad did protect some of them but my poor little pinkie and ring ringer is a mess. Blisters all over and between those fingers. I can't even tell how many since there is so many. This is mighty painful and I am trying to figure out how I am going to sleep. Holding ice cubes?? or maybe I wont' sleep. I can type a couple sentences here now and then I have to hold my ice cube for a bit. damn and if it isn't my mouse hand. How am I going to scrap. I will have to see a plastic surgeon tomorrow and who knows what they will do with it. My fingers are so white now that I can't tell what is blister and what isn't. I am too miserable to take pictures, but maybe tomorrow I will and post them. I keep thinking how in the heck did I do this...I guess that is why things like this are called accidents. LOL. anyway I did manage to do a lo last nite. I am feeling a little pressure being a newbie and being on Kami's Ct. Everyone is so good and I hope I can hold my own and not disappoint her. I played around for the first time with brushes and blending. It proved to be interesting, and I really liked it, but today I looked at it and just doesn't do much for me. My intent was not to overpower the picture and I think I went a little too much that way. I do like the subtle look of it and I learned a lot doing it.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Doing a Happy Happy Dance!!

Today was a dark,dreary and rainy day and the mood of my patients matched it. It was a long Monday for sure and was I ever ready to leave. When I got home I opened my email to discover this!!!

!! I am so excited to be working for her and doing what I love best..CReAtiNg! You can check out here blog here "Kreations by Kami" or go to here shop and see all her wonderful creations. You won't be disappointed!HUGE congrats to all the ladies listed and I can't wait to get to know you all better! This is just making my creative mojo fly tonight with many different ideas. Check back for more info on her products and some creations of mine!! HAVE A GREAT WEEK EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The wonder of Templates

Hmmm being new to digi, I am learning all about the wonderful world of templates. Also I have discovered that my new found addition has caused me some pain. It seems if you are an addicted digi scrapper there is a possibility that you will soon be stricken with the palmar callousitis, in other words, a painful callous on the palm of you hand. OUCH! I made a trip to Target today and purchased a very soft and wonderful mouse pad with a cushy little wrist thing. My hand is thankful and I am on to more scrapping. Back to templates, ChrissyW has the most awesome sets of templates...I had to have them all! Thanks Chrissy for the templates and for the callous! Seriously this girl ROCKS the template world. Check it out. She has freebies too! Go there and tell her that Peggy sent you. here is a page of the twins that I did using one of her templates.

1 WeEk LaTer

ok it is one week later and I still have not completed my blog! BUt I had 2 visitors!!! you must really think I have the lamest blog around. Hopefully, I will have it up and running soon!! thanks for visiting!