I missed about a week here, but not much too exciting going on. We got hit with snow on Friday and it was just lovely. The good thing was we got to leave work early and on a Friday that is a perk!
Tiff got the girls bundled up and took them out for their first "snow adventure" Friday. They liked the sled ride but the adventure ended when their faces were getting pretty pink and Hailey got upset since there was snow on her gloves! LOL Damn those girls are so darn cute. Here is my version of the little Snow Chics.
I used Bella Gypsy Designs "Snow BIrds" (hmm got the title idea) and a little bit of Angie Kovas Snow Girly for this one.

As yesterday was Valentines Day I did do a lo in honor of those romantic things ya know..the things that I have been lacking lately...no Valentine for me this year..but David and I did go out for Pizza...does that count? I started this layout for what would have been my parents 62nd wedding anniversary and just got to emotional to do it, so I used pictures from Tiff and Brian's wedding. Worked good for me.
I used Sherri Tierney's kit, Art from the Heart" at www.elementalscraps.com. Had a lot fun with this one too.

Peace out