We all know that is coming..but I personally dread it..what? winter and christmas..I know I sound like an ole Grinch, but I am not..I just hate the commercialism of it. I hate the $$ involved it. I have decided that this year we are going back to basics, like probably a lot of people will have to do. I have tightened the belt around her in so many ways and this will be the biggie. I told the kids that they will get 2 or 3 presents..and not expensive presents or they may get a gift certificate if they choose and as usual I will stuff their stockings with fun things. I have always loved doing the stocking thing. I have cut my list down to my father, my sister and my niece and the twins..oh yea my best friend, whom I have already bought. I just can't do it and don't even know how I am going to do this even. It will be rough. But what will be nice is that we are going back to traditional..Family things, midnight mass and just hangin out together. It will be differnt, but good I hope. I have told my kids that I want nothing, but for them to do something nice for me. It should get them thinking too! It is already beginning to feel like winter here with rainy, gloomy weather and cold. I was forced to turn on my heat this week, which i hated to do, but got tired of being cold.
on the lighter side,,I will stop whining, but I have scrappin like a fool and I am happy that I discoverd the world of Digi Scrapping. It is soo much better for me.
We took the twins to the craft fair last week and I did this lo..but be quiet about it..their mom would flip if she sees that we took their shoes off..she insisted that they wear them that day, but hell they wouldn't keep them on!
Well signing off to get into my warm comfy bed.
have a great Friday
Peace out

LOL about keeping the twins' shoes on! I know how that one goes! hehehe
And you are so right about xmas, it really should be back to the basics and remembering the true meaning. Xmas has gotten way to commercialized and unfortunately I am having a hard time escaping that with kids in the house who watch too much tv and see all those commercials for the latest toys. UGH!! But I am at least done shopping for them, I started early. Nothing for mommy though this year, hey maybe I should have them do something nice for me as my gift. That is a great idea!!
I understand completely. Trying to buy gifts for adults who don't need anything is very difficult.
Ever since I had kids, Christmas has become more magical in that respect, but shopping for others has become harder.
Hope you have a relaxing Holiday season.
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