A jolly guy with a wife beater tee-shirt and a two day beard greeting me smiling and said..its cheap it you want it. I noticed this cool humidor in awesome condition and asked him how much..he replied "how about a dollar"! Oh yea I thought and told him that is was now mine.I think I will put a plant on the top where the little place for ashtray is meant to be. Isn't it darling!

I also picked up some other small things (Union Pacific Railroad calendars 1970-1978 these were free and a couple vases. He asked me to come in and look at this hutch he wanted to sell. It was sooo sooo beautiful, but I just didn't have the cash or anywhere to put it. It was gigantic! I was walking out when I spotted this cute little "ladies Desk" and commented how cute it was. He told me it was mine for 5 buckaroos! I gasped and said..its mine. I am so happy with my purchases today!! I really don't know about the desk..it is so beautiful and only needs a drawer handle that I think I will just polish it up?

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