Been gone for a year?? Does time fly or what? I sort of just quit blogging..nobody ever read it anyway!! LOL I did find it a great therapeutic outlet though. Not as great as retail therapy unfortunately. No more retail therapy for awhile. I am laid off Can't even believe it happened. THe shock was hell, but after a couple weeks a major depression, I realized that it was probably a good thing. I was forced to "leave" a place where I had thought so many times before to leave. I was afraid of change and we all like I stayed. My BF who is still there is miserable and I can now realize just how unhappy I was there. Taking some time off from "stress" and just chillin with all my hobbies and continuing to so my Zumba classes and geting sexier by the minute! yea right, not sexy,,but lookin a lot better and feeling a lot better too! I has been awesome if I must say so. I Have been junkin like crazy and fining some cool stuff to play with! just check it out. ]

the chairs were a peeling and filthy and one had a crack in the seat. I cleaned, sanded, primed and painted them and they are perfect to me now. These were free which is better. Caught them on the curb ;)
THe little bench I thought was cute, not sure what I am going to do with it, but I will post it later. It was $3.00. There is more, but I don't have pictures yet. Will continue as I continue to feel creative!!